Trinidad Olive Tarantula (Everything You Need To Know)

The Trinidad olive tarantula, Neoholothele since, is a tarantula species found in Trinidad and Venezuela.

This easy-breeder is a popular pet. Cannibalism in the N. since the community is rare except when the tarantulas die of starvation.

It is widely assumed that the sting of N. Lincei is mild and equivalent in strength to a bee sting, but this has not been scientifically proven. The carapace of this species is golden, while the abdomen is striped.

Despite its small adult size, the Trinidad Olive tarantula is an attractive pet tarantula. There are several factors contributing to this.

This tarantula was previously known as Hapalopus and Holothele since, and it is still now known by these names. Neoholothele inches is the accepted Latin name.


Although this species’ appearance is not particularly colorful, it is distinctive.

The Trinidad olive tarantula occurs in two distinct color variations. In the first place, there is a conventional version that is mostly olive in color but has striped markings on its abdomen. In addition, some species’ carapaces can appear metallic in appearance.

Additionally to this “standard” variety, there is a “gold” variety. Because of a recessive trait, the gold variant appears to be the most popular among enthusiasts.

 The gold form has a uniform golden coloration throughout, with unique markings on its abdomen and carapace.

Olives have brown body parts that have dark brown and yellow patterns on their legs, carapace, and abdomen.

Both species have short hair and stripes down the center of their abdomen.


This is a small tarantula in terms of size. Females reach a maximum leg span of 3 inches, but males frequently do not get 2.5 inches.

N. in females, on the other hand, have a lifespan of approximately ten years, which means that they increase and reach maturity in a short time.

Production of an Enormous Web

The Trinidad olive tarantula is classified as a “heavy webber,” which means they produce an abundance of web surrounding their cage. However, there’s no doubting that it looks beautiful, and it may be fascinating to see their lair emerge over weeks and months.

Communal Behaviour

The Trinidad olive tarantula is known for its communal existence.

Keeping specimens together has resulted in significant losses for some keepers. Therefore, it is essential to keep these species apart to avoid the possibility of cannibalism.

Minimal Housing Requirements

Even as an adult, the Trinidad olive tarantula is a little spider. This implies they require minimal caging and can be kept by any tarantula keeper, irrespective of how little space is available.

Natural Habitat

Despite its widespread name, the Trinidad Olive tarantula is also in Venezuela. Ground-dwelling tarantulas such as The Trinidad olive can burrow into the ground and build large amounts of the web when kept in a cage.


To keep a tarantula, you only need to consider a few things.

The Trinidad olive is a terrestrial species, which means it spends most of the time on the ground and burrows into the substrate. So their enclosure must reflect this.

The typical terrestrial tarantula habitat prioritizes floor space over height, provides sufficient substrate for digging, and has plenty of open space.

It needs a suitable enclosure, a few essential accessories, and a stable interior climate.

Optimal Enclosure

The Trinidad olive females have a leg span of about 3 inches. Whereas many adult males reach comparable dimensions, some specimens become mature and even smaller.

So The Trinidad olive tarantula doesn’t need a large cage. Indeed, a 9″ long by 6″ deep container would be ideal for an adult specimen.

Of course, if you choose to keep the Trinidad olive tarantula communally, you may need to scale this up and ensure that each specimen has adequate space.

While larger cages for Trinidad olive are suitable, you need to reserve them for more giant spiders.

The speed of Neoholothele is a crucial element to consider. Trying to catch an escaped Trinidad olive tarantula is not fun when you realize how slow your responses are.

When considering cages, it is crucial to examine how to limit the probability of an escape when the enclosure is opened. For example, to keep your tarantula from fleeing when the cage door is opened, you should open it slowly and carefully and avoid breathing on or misting your tarantula.

Cages that don’t require removing the entire covering for maintenance are ideal for the Trinidad Olive.

Enclosure Temperature

Coming from very temperate regions of Trinidad and Venezuela, it’s unsurprising that Neoholothele since enjoys being in a warm atmosphere.

Apart from that, they grow and mature faster if kept at a higher temperature. So if you are purchasing a smaller specimen to save money, keeping it comfortable and warm will ensure that it develops into a healthy, mature specimen.

This species prefers temperatures between 75°F and 80°F. For most people, this is similar to room temperature so that they won’t need additional heating.

If the temperature in your home consistently falls below this level, you should use a space heater or a low-wattage heat lamp to keep it warm.

Water & Humidity in the Enclosure

The Trinidad olive tarantula is found in the hot and humid Caribbean, Trinidad, and Venezuela. So their enclosure should approximate this climate, but not exactly.

Many Trinidad olive tarantula care sheets state that the cage substrate should always be moist. A thick and extremely wet atmosphere might be hazardous to pet tarantulas.

As for humidity, you should try to keep it between 60% and 70%.

Maintain this range by cleaning/filling the water dish and spraying one side of the enclosures 2-3 times per week.

It is recommended that you observe the climate inside this enclosure with a basic thermometer/hygrometer so that you may make minor changes as needed.

Enclosure Decorations

Some considerations must be made for the interior of the enclosure as well. For example, too many accessories prevent the flow of webbing they can build.

Selecting the appropriate substrate depth for the Trinidad olive tarantula might be tricky. If you provide your tarantula with a vast area to hide on, it will most likely make a burrow. The drawback is that they don’t always make all the webbing you see in cages.

As a result, the bottom of the enclosure should initially be covered with a 4-inch layer of a moisture-retentive substrate, such as coconut fiber. This softens the floor of the enclosure and keeps it clean and moist.

Additionally, only two accessories are required: a cork bark hiding and a water bowl.

While water dishes help keep tarantulas hydrated, the cork bark hiding is an excellent spot to hide when stressed or frightened.

Food and Feeding

They mature rapidly and have a voracious appetite, capable of consuming prey their size. Fast-growing tarantulas are known for their voracious appetites.

The Trinidad olive tarantula is not afraid of larger prey despite its diminutive size. Therefore, most species will readily consume any feeder bug up to their body length.

The Trinidad olive tarantula should be fed fruit flies or pinhead crickets as much as it is willing to eat — typically 2-3 times a week as spiderlings.

Adults may consume approximately three larger insects per week, while juveniles consume about two larger bugs per week.

However, each tarantula is unique in its feeding habits. Therefore, it is critical to observe your tarantula and alter the feeding accordingly.

Additionally, if you’re residing communally, you must give an adequate food supply for everyone.

Handling & Temperament

The Trinidad olive is an extremely dangerous tarantula. These are aggressive or hostile spiders, and due to their speed, trying to handle one may result in disaster.

These tarantulas are recognized for their docile temperament and inclination to escape rather than fight danger. They have urticating hairs but prefer to flee and hide than fight. Their bite is similar to a bee sting, and their venom is mild.

They are often docile toward their owners but are not recommended for inexperienced tarantula keepers because they can be aggressive.

They may coexist peacefully with other members of their species since they are a communal species. Cannibalism is possible, but it is much less common in this species.

Additionally, they build exceptionally beautiful webs around their habitat, making them one of the best webbing types available.

Health Conditions

Fortunately, pet tarantulas rarely encounter health concerns due to a suitable environment and a consistent diet. However, there are a few points that owners should keep in mind.

First and foremost, confined tarantulas are susceptible to dehydration and mite infestations. Both of these problems, however, are easily resolved or wholly avoided.

If you’re going to keep the Trinidad olive tarantula in a community, you’ll want to take extra precautions.

Provide a larger enclosure with extra food per week, and quickly isolate your tarantulas if you notice any violence or cannibalism.

For Sale & Price of the Trinidad olive tarantula

You’re lucky if you want to buy the Trinidad olive tarantula because they’re cheap tarantulas.

A healthy spiderling may be purchased for roughly $35 on various forums and marketplaces. Adult males cost slightly more than this, whereas mature females sell for approximately $100.


The Trinidad olive tarantula is an excellent species that every enthusiast should consider. They’re little, attractive, may live in communities, and require little maintenance.

Additionally, this species is recognized for its ability to lay several egg sacs between 30 and 125+ slings. Finally, they are well-known for their communal behavior.

While they are not the most peaceful tarantulas ever, they make them so enjoyable to keep.

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