Why is My Cat Twitching in His Sleep?

If you have a cat at home, surely just as you like to watch him play, you also like to watch him sleep (and take sweet pictures of him while he sleeps). Surely, at times you have noticed that while your feline friend sleeps, you see him do some movements or twitches and surely you do not know why. Do not worry, below, we will give you some possible reasons and we will try to clarify this question.

The Cold is One Option

One of the causes that can make your cat twitches when sleeping is cold. Felines have a higher body temperature than humans, around 39 degrees Celsius, which is why on winter nights and especially if your cat has short hair, it is not strange that he feels some cold; you will notice it because his twitching is different from other ones. In addition, your cat’s body position will also be different.

If the cold is the case, try to cover your cat with a blanket and do not let him be on the cold floor, let him sleep on a warm carpet or bed to recover his normal body temperature. Watch it closer.

He is Dreaming

Does your cat have spasms when sleeping? Your cat is most likely dreaming. Many studies indicate that animals can dream and, therefore, the twitches that they present during the hours of sleep may simply be a reaction to what they are living in their subconscious.

However, it is not yet known what dreams of cats are like or what kind of complexity they recreate in their subconscious. However, the twitches they may experience can be due to simple body movements that they emit involuntarily.

You should know that according to studies that have been carried out, the functioning of the brain of cats when they sleep is very similar to that of humans. Therefore, just as we can have twitches when we sleep, either because of the same dream or because of entering different phases of sleep, the animal can experience the same thing. This will not only move the body, but the animal may also experience twitches in specific areas such as the eyelids, nose, whiskers, leg, etc.


Physical pain can also make your cat twitch when he’s asleep. As it happens to us when something hurts us a lot, animals can also twitch with pain and, therefore, in these cases you should take him to a veterinarian to find out what is the cause of his discomfort. Normally, if the animal is suffering intense pain, other symptoms and changes in his behavior are also usually appreciated, such as, for example, that he is more aggressive, that he meows more frequently, that it is placed in abnormal postures, etc.


In cats, like humans, it can lower blood sugar levels. If this happens, it is normal for your cat to twitch due to hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia in cats can be caused by neonatal hypoglycemia, sepsis, liver disease, pancreatic tumors that release a lot of insulin, prolonged fasting, or diseases that cause malnutrition.

Depending on the severity of the hypoglycemia, some cats will just be disoriented and shaky, and others will have seizures, fainting, and even shock. If you think that your cat is trembling due to a drop in sugar, it is best to go to your veterinary center.


Those who are lucky enough to have a feline at home as a companion will have observed that due to his funny curiosity, he can get into more than one trouble. This can, unfortunately, lead to poisoning and poisoning. That is why it is always recommended to close doors and containers very well.

If our friend with the whiskers has involuntary seizures, tremors, and muscle spasms, he may be intoxicated or poisoned. In this way, if your cat trembles or has spasms and you think that he may be in this situation, you should go to the vet immediately. In any case, you will see that the twitch when he sleeps is usually a little different from the behavior of the poisoning, your veterinarian will help you to differentiate them.


One of the reasons why your cat may twitch when sleeping is that he has a fever. The normal temperature of a cat should oscillate between 38 and 39.5 ÂșC, when it is exceeded it is considered that our feline friend has a fever.

In the most severe cases, the cat may experience chills, tremors, or rapid breathing. In this way, your cat may be suffering from some type of disease or health problem. You can take his temperature in case you have suspicions or go to the vet as soon as possible.

The twitch may be accompanied by other signs such as poor appetite, listlessness, increased vocalization, and changes in his mood.

There are also causes that are behavioral or psychological that could be making your cat twitch, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Afraid
  • Phobia

In these cases, you will notice that your furry cat twitches in certain situations that represent stress for him, for example, when you put him in his transport box or when you have visitors or in the presence of other animals.

What to Do When Your Cat Twitch?

The first thing you should do is stay calm, although in some kittens the twitch while they sleep is barely perceptible, in others it can be so energetic that it can be mistaken for seizures.

In no case should you wake him up abruptly, speak softly and caress him so that he feels content? Check that his skin is warm, if you notice it is very cold, wrap it up and try to warm the environment.

If the twitch continues during the day, intensifies in certain stressful situations, or is accompanied by other behavioral changes, do not hesitate to take him to the vet so that he can perform tests and rule out any of the above pathologies and determine if the cause is physiological or psychological.

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