What Causes Dogs to Scratch Their Bedding Before They Go To Sleep?

As a dog owner, you may have probably observed the ritual that many dogs perform before lying down. They’ll scratch or dig at their bed before napping.

Sometimes, the scratching can become rather destructive, and you may become concerned. However, there is no reason to be worried about it in most cases. Scratching the bed is a favorite pastime for dogs because it relieves their natural desire to assert dominance.

Scent glands are a unique feature of a dog’s paw pads. When dogs prepare for bed, their feet act two functions.

Before they sleep, our dogs scratch their beds and circle around. This helps them eliminate any predatory insects and leave behind their scent. Because of its distinct odor, another dog will not be able to use it: This bed has already been used by a dog that has laid to make it just right.

Is It A Natural Habit To Scratching The Bed?

Dogs of all ages like scratching at their beds, whether lightly or aggressively. They may even cross the bare floor from time to time. Usually, this is a natural behavior.

In the wild, your dog’s ancestors used leaves and mud to make a temporary bed for sleeping. Altering the position of the leaf and dirt helped to conceal them from predators better. In addition, their ancestors may have scratched at the beds in warmer areas to get to the colder soil underneath.

Dogs also use scratching to denote their territory. They leave a smell on their bed using the glands on their paws.

A female dog getting ready to give birth to puppies may scratch as part of her maternal “nesting” instinct.

What Causes Dogs to Dig Their Beds?

Dog performs the same techniques that he does while he is outside. The temperatures in our homes are set to keep us comfortable, not our pets. So it doesn’t matter if your dog likes the heat or air conditioning.

Dogs take advantage of ground temperature by digging their beds in shady areas during the summer or being exposed to bright sunshine during the winter. They explore to stay cool or warm.

It is common for dogs to dig around in their bedding to find a more comfortable place. A similar instinct drives us to play with our pillows until we find one that works for us before lying down for the night. However, our dogs do not understand the distinction between grass and household products. Digging can make a chair or couch softer, more comfortable, and more conducive to relaxation.

What Is The Purpose Of A Dog’s Bed Scratch?

Dogs’ instincts to survive in the natural environment have been replaced with patterns of Dogs’ instincts to stay in the natural environment have been replaced with patterns of behavior that have been ingrained into their Genes since they were domesticated. So when our survival instincts express themselves in our comfortable, happy homes, they appear a little unusual.

Even though their acts are not vital for survival, our dogs’ behavior might help us better understand them. For example, here are some causes why a dog would dig in his bed.

1. It May Have Territorial Consequences

While you may have one pampered Poodle or a cute and fun-loving Labrador, all domesticated dog breeds are descended from wolves and some other wild dogs. Because your pup’s ancestors lived the outdoors, they have likely acquired the tendency to scratch their beds.

Dogs’ feet include scent glands that assist in spreading their unique smells onto the ground. Similar to how your dog would urinate on objects to “mark their territory,” your pet dog may scratch at their bed to identify it as theirs. You may notice that bed scratching becomes more intense if you bring new more pets to your home or when you and your pet move to a new location.

2. It Could Be to Make the Environment More Secure

While a comfortable and sumptuous dog bed in a comfortable home sometimes seems safe to you, your dog will instinctively check the area before lying in it. Their primitive ancestors would rotate in a circle and scratch the ground wherever they planned to sleep to keep themselves secure.

As a result, they could eliminate any dangers lurking in the bushes or grass. Before going to sleep, they may scratch the carpet and move around on it to scare away any hiding rodents or snakes.

To avoid predator attacks, wild dogs would dig a hidden sleeping space. For thousands of years, dogs scratched their beds to establish a secure place below the earth’s surface. With time, this natural inclination has been carried down through generations.

3. It Might Be for Convenience

Another possible cause for your dog to scratch its bedding is for comfort. Their predecessors in the wild would have been there on grass, sticks, bushes, and dirt, scraping the ground to make it more comfortable.

Moving their artificial bedding around might assist in clearing the area and creating a more uniform sleeping surface. However, this genetic behavior may be a factor in your dog’s scratching. They may scratch out of instinct or make their bedding comfier.

4. It Is for Warmth

If you notice your pup digging under blankets or actively scratching its bedding, it may also look for warmth.

To control their body temperature, your dog’s ancestors may have scratched at the ground to get beneath leaves, brush, or soil to protect themselves from cold conditions while sleeping. Additionally, it could have been to keep exposing the excellent soil to warmer temperatures.

Your pet may be physically cold or hot in your home surroundings, or they may be acting instinctively. For example, if you notice your pup scratching at its beds more often in the winter, consider giving them a blanket to keep it warm.

5. Anxiety Could Be the Cause

Whenever your dog scratches gently before sleeping, it’s probably just instinct. There is nothing to be worried about in this case. However, scratching excessively or frequently without rest may result from worry or over-stimulation, not intuition.

If you suspect your dog’s scratching is due to anxiety, consult your veterinarian for assistance. They can assist you with what to do and what kind of treatment might be best for your dog.

6. The Maternal Instinct

Scratching the bed is a natural part of the canine maternal instinct. When a female dog is about to give birth, her bed-scratching behavior will abruptly intensify. It is referred to like nesting in this situation, and it is a natural hormonal response. Preparing a nest for her new pups for their arrival will make them warm and comfortable.

7. To hide

Making a nest or burrow in the wild might help dogs hide from predators. This instinct for concealment is why dogs frequently dig into their bed, only their nose showing out of the newly built blanket fort.

What Are The Symptoms of Bed-Scratching?

Pawing, scratching, and rolling in the areas around the space where your dog prefers to lay are all signs of a Bed-scratching attitude. In addition, many dogs perform multiple circles before settling down.

Some make tunnels or caves under the blanket, nosing their way beneath it, allowing them to conceal themselves readily. It is common for dogs to play with the blanket pile, and even if there is no bedding, they will still scratch their resting spot.

If he decides to rest on the hard kitchen tile, your dog may scratch and paw somewhere on the floor around him. However, it is beautiful when your dog chooses to sleep on almost any surface.

What Can I Do To Keep My Dog From Scratching Their Bed?

It’s tough to stop inherent behaviors such as your puppy’s digging antics before bedtime. While this habit can be learned, it is tough to discourage. Additionally, it is a relaxing activity for your dog, so it may increase anxiety by teaching them that it is incorrect.

If they regularly destroy carpets or rip the filling out of dog beds, you do certain things to minimize the damage.

How Does Scratching or Digging Become an Issue?

Making a safe and comfortable shelter was necessary for living in the wild. Getting rid of damaging habits like digging and chewing can challenge dog owners. It is associated with a natural survival instinct. However, when do these inclinations become a problem?

If our dogs tear their new beds or scratch the wooden floors or other home elements, we must deal with the situation. Although our dog’s instincts cannot be eliminated, there are ways to minimize their imposed damage.

What Are The Three Ways to Prevent Scratching on Your Dog’s Bed?

While your dog’s digging behavior may be adorable at times, it may also be highly destructive. If you don’t pay attention, your new pet bedding will deteriorate into a mess of filling and fabric. As soon as a dog scratches, it can quickly become a pet owner’s terrible nightmare.

Fortunately, you may take several preventative precautions to ensure your dog continues to enjoy his bed.

1. Nail Trimming for Your Dog

Regular nail cutting can help limit damage to your dog’s living area. Dogs’ nails should be clipped every 3-4 weeks. Trimming their nails systematic keeps them from getting infected and causing damage to their furniture or hardwood floors.

If your dog’s nails remain sharp after clipping, gently filing them can help to prevent further edges from growing.

2. Give Them More Options to Play

Insufficient stimulation may be why your dog scratched around their bed as a game rather than as a relaxing bedtime habit. You can try taking them for a long walk or providing them with various toys to keep them entertained.

3. Buy a Durable Bed

Occasionally, the issue isn’t with your dog; it’s with the bed they’re using. For example, when you have a dog that digs and scratches all night, you don’t want to buy a cheap bed composed of fabric and stuffing. Choosing a bed with something like a durable cover is essential.

Also, if they have a comfortable bed, they may not have to dig much further to get cozy. You might consider purchasing an orthopedic or memory foam bed for your dog.

What is The Scratching Behaviour Management Strategies for Your Dog?

If providing a comfortable sleeping area for your dog could end the madness of bed scratching, dog owners’ duties would be much more accessible. Unfortunately, even the most fantastic dog beds can’t stop instinct. Here are some valuable ideas that may keep the household together.

  1. Provide your dog with softer textures and extra blankets in their bed.
  2. Cover the bed with a thick, quite heavy, hefty blanket.
  3. If your dog scratches and marks your floor, consider training sessions or nail caps.
  4. Move the bed into a more private space.
  5. Invest in a supportive, comfortable, and durable dog bed.

What Specifies a Great Dog Bed?

It would be easy to change a dog’s behavior if they only did it as they were joyful. If that was the only reason, you could buy them a comfortable bed. But unfortunately, instincts are still strong; therefore, we’ll have to attempt other strategies to protect your dog’s bed.

  1. To make our dog more comfortable, we should try a different bed. We may try several mattress types, such as memory foam or a faux fur covering.
  2. Arrange a layer of blankets in your dog’s sleeping space.
  3. Do not wash the dog’s bedding or pillows if you notice them digging or scratching at the bed for possessive concerns. Clean bedding will not smell the same as him and may inspire him to scratch more.
  4. If your dog’s bed is in a bustling space, he may be scratching out of anxiety. Consider relocating his bed to a peaceful, darker area or a slightly more enclosed room.
  5. A dog bed must be pleasant for the pet and durable enough to withstand scratching. Zippers that are both strong and indestructible are necessary. A waterproofing layer protects against soiling.

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