
Why Does Your Hamster Smell? (Great Tips For Better Smell)

What? Did you notice that your hamster smells terrible? It’s not something you should ignore. That potent odor could be coming from your hamster’s bedding material, which is foul enough to make you regret ever owning a hamster in the first place. But there are even worse reasons why your pet could be smelling like old sneakers.

This article will help you figure out the possible cause of the smell and what action to take next.

The best way to determine if your hamster needs cleaning is by conducting a routine check of his cage every day for at least two weeks before doing anything else. This will allow you to get rid of any debris or waste in your litter box before you start cleaning.

If the smell still lingers after two weeks, clean out his litter pan at least once a week for about three weeks or until the smell goes away. Then, it would help if you switched him to a different bedding brand. If that doesn’t work, clean his cage thoroughly at least once every four weeks.

What Is It?

Your hamster’s bedding may be the source of his scent problem. The culprit is usually fecal matter and urine that absorb into the bedding and cause it to stink and attract pests and bacteria into your home.

If your hamster is a dwarf or Chinese hamster, his bedding should be more significant than the area between his hind legs and 20 inches deep. The common Syrian hamster requires bedding at least 20 inches deep and 12 inches wide. If you have a Robo, you should give him bedding at least 12 inches deep and 8 to 10 inches wide.

Clean out your hamster’s bedding as soon as it becomes soiled. Remove soiled litter daily using a small scoop/spoon or a cat litter scoop. Every time you remove the waste, avoid spreading it around in the hamster cage. Always place it in a garbage bag or a tightly sealed container away from the hamster’s home (e.g., a bucket). That will keep toxins at bay and ensure your pet doesn’t eat any of his waste.

Choose to bed made of paper-based fibers like recycled newspaper or tissue paper, not wood shavings or wood chips. Wood-based bedding (e.g., aspen, pine, fir) is okay in Robo’s cage but should not be used in the dwarf or Chinese hamster’s cages. It is an excellent alternative to wood shavings. Try using paper towels or toilet paper instead if you have trouble cleaning out your hamster’s litter box.

If the smell comes from your hamster’s water bottle, clean it regularly with soap and hot water. The scent may also be due to poor sanitation of his food bowl or nesting box, so clean it out frequently.

What Else?

Several other factors can contribute to your hamster’s odor problem, including stress level, dental issues, and poor diet.

If your hamster is stressed due to an unhealthy living environment, disease, or bullying by other hamsters, his body may produce more odor than usual. If he is recovering from an injury and is weak or underweight, the smell is likely stronger.

Dental issues are also another cause of your hamster’s bad smell. A typical example of this problem includes a sharp-looking incisor that starts growing into the skin of your pet’s cheek, causing him pain and making him moody. This will make him less likely to clean himself properly and make his waste smelly as it accumulates in his body. If you suspect this, talk to your vet about it.

If your hamster is underweight, his body may produce more odor due to an underdeveloped digestive system. He will not be able to digest the food he eats well, and its leftover waste will rot in his gut. This can make him feel sick and make his waste odorizer by putting off the rotting process. Get him back on track with a varied diet or supplement it with extra vitamins or other supplements to help strengthen his system.

Some hamsters are also prone to be dirty because of their choice of habitat, including caves and basements without adequate ventilation or that are covered with dirt or hay. They often have problems grooming themselves properly because of that too.


If your hamster smells, change his bedding at least once a week for about three weeks or until the smell goes away. If that doesn’t work, clean his cage thoroughly at least once every four weeks. Then, replace it with a different brand of bedding.

You can also try using an air freshener in your hamster’s bedding. Add a few drops of essential oil to the litter along with water. You can use several essential oils according to their smell, and putting them in your hamster’s nest can help mask the odor. You can add lavender, mint, or bergamot to your hamster’s bedding and in his litter box, for example, and lemon is another good choice if you want a fresh scent.

You can also try baking soda, which is a natural deodorizer. Add one ounce of baking soda to each litter box and a one-half cup of vinegar for an added boost. Let the mixture sit overnight so it soaks in, and then remove it the next day. Replace at least once weekly for up to two weeks or until the smell disappears.

Other natural solutions include using essential oils in water to soak your hamster’s bedding in. Put some lavender essential oil in one cup of water, add some zit zapper or baking soda and stir until they dissolve into a mixture that is just thick enough to spread over your hamster’s bedding without showing the bottom part. Please leave it in there for three nights and then remove the bedding. You can also add essential oils or herbs to your hamster’s drinking water.

If your hamster is underweight, give him some extra vitamins or nutrient supplements so he can rebuild his system. If you are struggling to get rid of the urine smell, try cleaning out your cage regularly to prevent poisoning or other health problems that can cause a foul odor that won’t go away.

What Else?

Change your hamster’s bedding regularly to reduce odor and prevent disease-causing microorganisms from building up in the cage. This will also help the hamster feel better and more comfortable.

Another solution to the smelly hamster problem is cleaning out his cage regularly to prevent poisoning or other health problems that can cause a foul odor that won’t go away. You do not want to poison your pet, so clean it out thoroughly and change the brand if you think something is wrong with his water bottle, food bowl, bedding, or anything else you use for him.

Many health problems can cause a foul odor, including dental issues and joint in hamsters. If your hamster shows signs of pain, take her to the vet for an examination. If your hamster is underweight, she will need to be monitored for other health problems.

Keep your hamster well-fed and in a clean environment. You can also try giving her some fresh vegetables or fruit to help rebuild her system. If your hamster is a male, he may have a urinary tract infection and will need antibiotics to treat it.

If you think your hamster is suffering from a medical problem that causes the foul odor, take him to the vet right away. They can help you prevent problems from spreading any further and possibly cure his illness if possible.

If you want to take care of your furry friend at home, make sure his cage is thoroughly cleaned every week because he will be able to relieve himself in a complete protected area there, not in your house or wherever people might step on him or move something that could spill his urine outside the cage.

What is the best way to clean my hamster’s cage?

You can use a mixture of water and vinegar to scrub the cage. It will remove odors, bacteria, and any other contaminant that can cause an infection. If you don’t have vinegar available, you can also use some lemon juice instead. After scrubbing, rinse everything or spray it with some soapy water or white vinegar. Then, could you leave it to dry on its own? This should help remove any traces of urine on the plastic hamster cage bedding without destroying it too much.

What is the best way to stop the smell of hamster urine?

You can use regular household vinegar to clean the carpet. Vinegar has natural anti-bacterial qualities. If your hamster has an accident in his cage, you should disinfect it thoroughly with vinegar to prevent the smell from spreading. You can also try baking soda sprinkled in the dry bedding or litter box to absorb any odors that may arise afterward.

If you want to keep your floor clean while giving your hamster pampering, try using plain white vinegar in a spray bottle and spraying it on the carpet. Then, wait for about ten minutes before using a broom to wipe it off. You can also sprinkle some baking soda on the area or let the vinegar soak in and vacuum it up.

Why does my hamster smell like fish?

If your pet is unwell, he may be losing control of his bodily functions, which could cause him to smell fishy. Hamsters are omnivores, and they eat things like meat, vegetables, and fruit. However, if your hamster smells fishy, this could mean that something is wrong with his diet or that he has an infection.

There are many reasons why your hamster could smell fishy. These include sickness or illness, not enough water, or a change in diet. Your pet could have diseases including pneumonia, diabetes, and kidney failure. It would help if you took your pet to the vet to determine what’s wrong with him.

When my hamster destroys his entire cage, does he stop using it?

No. There’s no way to tell when your hamster will stop using the cage. You should check them regularly to ensure they still live in the cell or have somewhere else. It’s better not to get rid of the bedding until you are sure they are all dead because you don’t want your hamster to smell bad while trying to get rid of the smell yourself.

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